
NFT Disclaimer




The buyer should comprehend that the blockchain commodities or cryptocurrencies have extremely high volatility and uncertainty in their market prices. This product is not a financial product nor any investment or wealth management product, and it is not designed for investment purposes. No matter buying or selling this product, it is the buyer’s own decision and responsibility. The Platform cannot predict or manage the future price changes of the product. For any price fluctuation of the product, it has nothing to do with the Platform. The Platform has no legal or financial responsibilities for any profits or losses caused by the trade or transaction of this product.

The purchase of this product does not mean that you have exclusive or dominant property rights to the works linked to this product. Although the works linked to this product have been produced with the consent and authorization of the material provider(s), the Platform does not guarantee the possession, use, or sale of this product will not cause any infringement or dispute on the intellectual property rights of any third party. Should the buyer purchase this product, the Platform will not be responsible for any claim from the third party on intellectual property rights or other legal rights against the buyer.

The buyer of this product should be aware of the laws and government policies of his/her residing country or region. The buyer should be aware of and understand the potential risks regarding this product or the works linked to this product, whether it might violate the laws, regulations, or government policies of the country or region. If any legal issue or illegitimate risk occurs, the buyer shall be self-responsible for it.

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